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Optimization Settings

LightBurn's Cut Planner controls the order in which your laser cuts or engraves graphics in your project. The Cut Optimization Settings window is where you adjust the variables by which the Cut Planner decides on cut order and pathing.

To open the Cut Optimization Settings window, click the Optimization Settings button in the Laser Window.

Optimization Settings only take effect when the Optimize Cut Path switch in the Laser Window is toggled on. If Optimize Cut Path is toggled off, graphics are output in the order in which they were first created.

Optimization Settings controls in the Laser Window


After adjusting Optimization Settings, you can see the resulting path the laser will take, along with a runtime estimate, in the Preview window.

Optimization Settings Window

Click any option in the image below to jump directly to the relevant section for that option, or scroll down for a list of options and descriptions.

Order By

The Order by options determine the initial ordering parameters for your jobs, which is the primary way in which LightBurn decides the order of cuts. You can choose to Order by Layer, Group, Priority, or combinations of these parameters.

Using the Order by Options

When determining the order of cuts, the Cut Planner sorts all objects in your project into ordered lists based on the parameters you've selected. If you select multiple Order by options, their order within the list is important.

After splitting all the objects in your projects into lists based on the first Order by parameter, the Cut Planner then splits each of those lists based on the next Order by parameter in the list, and repeats that process for however many parameters you've selected.

Example lists

With the default settings shown in the screenshot above — Order by Layer positioned first in the list, and Order by Priority positioned second — the Cut Planner will first split all objects in your projects into lists based on the Layer they are assigned to, and will then sort the objects in each layer based on the Priority you've set for each object.

With 2 layers and 3 objects on each layer, each set to a different Priority, the lists will look like this:

  1. Objects on Layer 1

    1. Objects set to Priority 0
    2. Objects set to Priority 1
    3. Objects set to Priority 2
  2. Objects on Layer 2

    1. Objects set to Priority 0
    2. Objects set to Priority 1
    3. Objects set to Priority 2

If the positions in the ordered list are reversed so that Order by Priority is first, and Order by Layer is second, the lists will look like this:

  1. Objects set to Priority 0

    1. Objects on Layer 1
    2. Objects on Layer 2
  2. Objects set to Priority 1

    1. Objects on Layer 1
    2. Objects on Layer 2
  3. Objects set to Priority 2

    1. Objects on Layer 1
    2. Objects on Layer 2

After sorting, each set of shapes created through this process is then optimized with the options in the lower section of the window.

Clicking any of the Order by options adds it to the list of ordering parameters to use. If an Order by option is already on the list, clicking again moves it to the top of the list, making it the first parameter the Cut Planner will sort by.

Order by Layer

Orders cuts according to the position of the layers in the Cuts / Layers Window.

Move layers up and down in the Cuts / Layers Window by selecting and dragging them, or using the buttons to the right of the list

Cuts / Layers Window order

Order by Group

Orders cuts by Group — all objects in a given Group are cut together, then the next Group of objects, and so on. Ungrouped objects will all be treated as a single group for the purposes of this setting.

Order by Priority

Orders cuts according to individual Cut Order Priority. Priorities are ordered such that 0 is the first priority, 1 is the second, and so on. Assign Cut Order Priority in the Shape Properties Window.

Select objects and go to the Shape Properties Window to adjust their Cut Order Priority

Cuts / Layers window order


Select an Order by option from the list and click Remove to remove it from the list of ordering parameters.


The following optimizations are applied to all objects sent to your laser, after they are sorted into lists according to the above ordering parameters.

Cut inner shapes first

If there is an object within another object, and both are being cut, tells your laser to cut the inner object before the outer one. The outer shape must be closed in order for this optimization to apply.


This if often useful to ensure engravings and inner cutouts are completed before cutting a shape out of the stock material, which can cause the shape to drop or shift, depending on how the material is held in place.

Cut in direction order

Attemps to order the shapes in your project so they're cut in specified direction — Top to Bottom, Left to Right, etc.

When the Cut in direction order switch is enabled, you can select one of the buttons on the right to determine order.

Reduce travel moves

Attempts to reduce non-cutting travel moves by ordering cuts based on proximity to other shapes.

Hide backlash

This option is similar to the Backlash Repay Optimize setting found in RDWorks — it produces a cutting order that reduces or eliminates the misalignment between the start and end points of a cut caused by loose or flexing belts, or other forms of play in the mechanical parts of the laser. Enabling this option will force some of the other options, to give it the most flexibility when planning the cutting path.

Reduce direction changes

Attempts to choose nearby cuts that allow the laser to keep moving in the same direction, which keeps it moving faster.

Choose best starting point

Allows the Cut Planner to start a cut at any point within a shape, not just the first point.


This options works best in combination with Reduce travel moves.

Choose corners, if possible

Attempts to start cuts at sharp corners, to minimize burning or staining on the surface of an item.

Choose best direction

Attempts to choose the direction to cut that will result in the most efficient path.

Remove overlapping lines

Tells the Cut Planner to remove lines that are overlapping between two graphics, and would cause the laser to cut in the same place twice.

The Distance field to the right of the switch controls how close two lines need to be in order for the Cut Planner to remove one of them when sending the job to your laser.

Using Remove overlapping lines


Set as Defaults

Saves your current Optimization Settings as your custom defaults.

Each time you start a new project, your Optimization Settings revert to these defaults.

Reset to Defaults

Restores your current Optimization Settings to your default settings.

Hold Shift while clicking Reset to Defaults to restore to LightBurn's standard default settings (as shown in the screenshot above).


Saves any adjustments you've made in the Optimization Settings window, overwriting previous settings.

Any Optimization Settings you save are also stored within .lbrn and .lbrn2 files, and opening any previously saved file will automatically overwrite your current settings with those saved to the file.


Discards any adjustments you've made in the Optimization Settings window, reverting to previous settings.

For more help using LightBurn, please visit our forum to talk with LightBurn staff and users, or email support.