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Lock Shapes

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The Lock Shapes tool locks selected objects in your design, preventing any form of editing (including moving, resizing, deleting, changing text, etc). Use Lock Shapes to prevent unintentional design edits, secure graphics used for alignment, preserve templates, and restrict editing in collaborative projects.

Lock Shapes works on any object in a design, including images, text, paths, shapes, and Groups of these.

Locking and Unlocking Objects

Lock selected objects by toggling the Locked state on in the Shape Properties Window, by going to ArrangeLock Shapes, or by right-clicking the objects and chosing Lock Selected Shapes.

To Unlock and enable editing of a Locked object, toggle the Locked state off in the Shape Properties Window, go to ArrangeUnlock Shapes, or right-click the objects and choose Unlock Selected Shapes.


Use the Transform Control Toggles to restrict specific types of editing for the whole project.

how to lock shapes

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