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Mirror Tools

Flip Vertical and Flip Horizontal mirror selected objects across their vertical or horizontal centers.

Mirror Across Line creates a mirrored duplicate of selected objects across a custom-selected line, at any angle.

Use these tools to correct orientation of graphics, or to speed up the design process when making symmetrical projects.

Flip Vertical and Horizontal

Flip Vertical and Horizontal are both available in the Arrange Menu, Arrange Toolbar, and by hotkey (see below).

Flip Vertical and Horizontal in the Arrange toolbar

Flip Vertical mirrors all selected objects across the vertical center of the selection area. The vertical center is an imaginary line across the halfway point of a selection's full height.

Flip Horizontal mirrors all selected objects across the horizontal center of the selection area. The horizontal center is an imaginary line across the halfway point of a selection's full width.

Imagine the selection area as the smallest possible rectangle that can contain every object in your selection. The vertical and horizontal centers of a selection are the same as the vertical and horizontal centers of that imaginary rectangle.

Flipping Vertically and Horizontally

Mirror Across Line

Mirror Across Line is available in the Arrange Menu, Arrange Toolbar, and by hotkey (see below).

Mirror Across Line in Arrange Toolbar

Mirror Across Line creates a mirrored duplicate of your selection across a custom-selected line.

  • The line must be the last object added to your selection — in other words, you must first select the objects you'd like to Mirror, then select the line you'd like to Mirror them across.
  • The line must be a straight line with only two points.
Use Mirror Across Line to create a symmetrical shape

Draw half the original shape, then mirror it to create the other half, like this:

Mirror Across Line Heart


The keyboard shortcuts listed under Edit Window in Focus will only work when the Workspace — the area where you create and edit graphics — is in active focus.

What does it mean for a window to be in focus?

There are several Windows and Toolbars in LightBurn that accept user input — when a window is clicked on, it is in focus, and accepting input.

If a window other than the Edit Window is in focus, click anywhere in the Workspace to bring it into focus.

Action Icon Hotkey Edit Window in Focus
Flip Vertical Flip Vertical Icon Ctrl/Cmd+V V
Flip Horizontal Flip Horiztonal Icon Ctrl/Cmd+H H
Mirror Across Line Mirror Across Line Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+M n/a

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