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File Management

Use the file management tools to start New projects, Save projects you're working on, Open previously saved projects, and Import or Export artwork in alternative file formats.

Most file management options are available in the Main Toolbar, with a few additional options available in the File Menu

File Management options in the File Menu

File Management options in Main Toolbar



Clears your current LightBurn project and starts a new, blank project.

Opening a new project does not change any Settings, window customizations, and special modes active from the last opened project.

If you have an existing project open with unsaved changes, LightBurn will ask you if you'd like to Save before starting the new project, click No to discard the changes, or Cancel to abort the process.

New File warning



Opens a .lbrn or .lbrn2 project file previously stored on your computer.

If you have an existing project open with unsaved changes, LightBurn will ask you if you'd like to Save before Opening the project, click No to discard the changes, or Cancel to abort the process.

New File warning

If you have multiple device profiles, and the device you were using when you Saved the file is not currently selected, LightBurn will ask if you'd like to automatically switch to that device profile.

Click Yes to switch or No to open the file with your current device.

Switch profiles question

Click on the dropdown in your system's file browser to show all supported file types, including supported image and vector file types.


Selecting a supported image or vector file instead of a project file will create a new LightBurn project, replacing the currently loaded project. Use Import to bring artwork files or designs into an existing project.

Recent Projects

Hover over Recent Projects in the File Menu to open a submenu containing a list of projects you've recently worked on and Saved.

Click any file in the list to Open it.

Recent Projects Submenu



.lbrn and .lbrn2

The Save and Save As commands offer the option of saving as .lbrn2 (default) or .lbrn (LightBurn Legacy Project).

Unless you need to maintain compatibility with extremely old versions of LightBurn or need an easily human-readable file, we recommend leaving the file type set to .lbrn2.

Saves your current project in .lbrn or .lbrn2 format.

  • If you haven't Saved it previously, a dialog window will open where you can name it and choose the location to Save it.

  • If you have already Saved a copy, the existing copy will be immediately overwritten with any new changes you've made.

Save As


Rather than immediately overwriting your existing file, Save As opens a dialog window where you can save a renamed copy to a new file, leaving the current file unchanged.

Save dialog

Save Machine File

This option will change depending on the type of laser you're using — it may say Save GCode (for GRBL, Smoothieware, or Marlin controllers), Save RD File (Ruida), Save OUT File (TopWisdom), or Save UD5 File (Trocen).

All options save your current project as a machine-ready file, in the appropriate format for your type of laser. You can transfer this file to your machine to run it without ever having to directly connect using LightBurn.

See Laser Window — Save Machine Files for more information.



Loads graphics from a variety of file formats into LightBurn. Click on the dropdown in your system's file browser to filter for supported image and vector file types.

LightBurn can Import the following formats:

Vector / mixed formats:

  • .ai - Adobe Illustrator
  • .svg - Scalable Vector Graphics
  • .dxf - AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format
  • .pdf - Adobe Portable Document Format
  • .plt / .hpgl - Plotter / Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
Drag and drop directly into LightBurn

Image formats:

  • .png - Portable Network Graphics
  • .jpg / .jpeg - Joint Photographic Experts Group format
  • .bmp - Windows Bitmap
  • .gif - Graphics Interchange Format
  • .tif / .tiff - Tagged Image File Format

Importing .lbrn or .lbrn2 files

It is also possible to Import .lbrn or .lbrn2 files — however, Importing these types of files does not load the cut settings or any other project-specific information saved to the file. Only the graphics will be loaded.

In order to load graphics along with all other settings, you must use Open instead.

LightBurn will warn you if you attempt to Import a .lbrn or .lbrn2 file.

Click Open to load the graphics and all other settings, Import to load only the graphics, or Cancel to abort the process.

Import Warning



Exports currently selected graphics in .ai, .svg, or .dxf format. If there is nothing in your current selection, the entire contents of your current project will be Exported.

Exporting in one of these formats does not save cut settings or any other project-related settings.

For more help using LightBurn, please visit our forum to talk with LightBurn staff and users, or email support.