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Close Selected Paths With Tolerance

Close selected paths with tolerance connects individual shapes with one start and one end point by creating a new line between the points, or moving the two points together. By specifying a tolerance, you can determine how near to one another the start and end points must be in order to be closed.

Several functions in LightBurn, including Fill Mode, require shapes that are closed loops, with start and end points that are the same. This option works similarly to Close Path to close shapes with start and end points that are not the same, while providing greater control over how far apart they must be in order to connect them, and how they will be connected.

Using Close Selected Paths With Tolerance

Select all paths you wish to close and go to EditClose selected paths with tolerance to open a dialog window.

Close selected paths with tolerance dialog window

  • Use the slider to set the Distance Threshold, or tolerance, which determines the maximum distance between start and end points to be connected. Start and end points that are farther apart than this threshold will be ignored.

  • Select Move Ends Together to connect the start and end points by bringing existing lines together.

  • Select Join with Line to create a new line segment between start and end points.

  • The readout at the bottom of the window shows how many open shapes were found, how many shapes have been closed, and how many open shapes remain in your selection.

  • Click OK to confirm the changes and close the selected shapes, or Cancel to discard them and leave the shapes open.

Closing selected paths

Close selectected paths with tolerance can close muliple paths at once, but they must already be completely connected except for their start and end nodes. This tool cannot connect fully separate paths, each with their own start and end nodes.

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